New Featured Article
Jun 02, 2023
Head to Speech was featured in The ASHA Leader, American Speech-Language-Hearing Association’s official bimonthly news magazine. Read the article by clicking here.
The magazine profiled the journey it has taken Dr. Tabia Pope personally to launch and grow Head to Speech, Incorporated into a nationally recognized nonprofit organization! She prays that by sharing her own concussion story and the reasons why she raises awareness, donations and conducts research empowers other brain injury survivors, especially athletes to take the necessary steps to protect their brains and Head to Speech-Language Pathologists.
Dr. Pope says, "I couldn’t have gotten to this point without my family’s support, the founding Board of Directors, donors, sponsors and partners. I hope that my own colleagues, students and community join as Ambassadors and find their place within this wonderful community that we have built."
Read more about Head to Speech by clicking, here.
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